Name | Required | Value | Comment |
search_text | Yes | Text to search with | |
page_no | No | Page number | Defaults to "0" (zero) |
num_per_page | No | How many results to show per page | Defaults to 50 |
search_mailboxes | No | Mailbox Ids to search in | Available as of Jan. 10th, 2018 |
search_status | No | Inbox, Assigned, Archived, Closed | Available as of Jan. 10th, 2018 |
search_labels | No | Label Ids to search in | Available as of Jan. 10th, 2018 |
search_get_trash | No | To include conversations in the Trash and Spam folder. true/false | Available as of Jan. 10th, 2018 |
search_text : "Helpmonks",
search_status : "Closed",
page_no : 0,
num_per_page : 50
The above will search all conversations for “Helpmonks” and will return 50 results per page. Subsequent results might be retieved by passing in page_no = 1.
Returned data
The returning data load will contain all the found results with additional information like amount of found results, users and email conversations.
"page_no": 1,
"num_per_page": 50,
"search_text": "nitai",
"users": [
"_id": "564760c8217d2dbb4bda0084",
"first_name": "Jack",
"last_name": "Bauer",
"groups": []
"_id": "564760c6217d2dbb4bda007e",
"first_name": "Nitai",
"last_name": "Aventaggiato",
"groups": [
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"start_date": "2014-12-19T07:00:00.000Z",
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"response_time_in_minutes": 3
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"status": "inbox",
"last_communication_date": "2016-04-24T23:45:59.493Z",
"mailbox_id": "564760c6217d2dbb4bda0077",
"sender_timezone_offset": "+0000",
"__v": 0,
"audit_info": {
"created_date": "2016-04-22T14:16:37.614Z",
"created_by": "564760c5217d2dbb4bda0059",
"modified_date": "2016-04-24T23:45:59.501Z",
"modified_by": "564760c6217d2dbb4bda007d"
"drafts": [],
"has_attachments": false,
"reminders": [],
"actions": [
"excerpt": "Nitai assigned to Jack Bauer",
"body": "Nitai assigned to Jack Bauer",
"from": "564760c6217d2dbb4bda007d",
"_id": "5714e9d97411a84b59ea4711",
"subject": "action",
"timestamp": "2016-04-18T14:06:17.820Z"
"notes": [
"excerpt": "Note me",
"body": "Note me<br>",
"from": "564760c6217d2dbb4bda007d",
"_id": "56a4235387977ba011a9ed38",
"is_public": true,
"subject": "note",
"timestamp": "2016-01-24T01:05:23.622Z"
"emails": [
"subject": "Some Subject",
"excerpt": "An excerpt",
"body": "The body",
"cc": "",
"message_id": "",
"_id": "571a324596dd2892ce316aeb",
"attachments": [
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"fileName": "IMG_0919.JPG",
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"contentId": "2f06048e92749326fe1efc2163b0ea84",
"checksum": "2f06048e92749326fe1efc2163b0ea84",
"length": 594504,
"s3url": "",
"_id": "5714e9d97411a84b59ea4713"
"is_forward": false,
"from": {
"company_user_id": {
"_id": "565909f583d5cb5023098dee",
"email": "",
"first_name": "",
"last_name": ""
"user_id": null
"timestamp": "2016-04-22T14:16:12.000Z"
"labels": []
"mailbox_ids": [
"num_records_found": 26